Each year, around 20,000 RV fires are reported or responded to which can range from small kitchen fires to huge fires that engulf the entire RV. No matter how big or small the fire is, it can be devastating. Not only will a fire ruin your vacation, but it can wreak havoc on plans for months to come. Preventing RV fires doesn’t take a lot of work and may make it safer for you to camp! Learn how to prevent RV fires so that you’re not the next Texas RV fire on the news. Check out some of these RV safety tips for fire prevention.
Check Up, Then Power Up
One of the areas of your RV that is most at risk for an RV fire is the electrical system. These are built differently from the system in your house and even your car. Before you plug your RV into power, it’s important to make sure that you’ve checked to make sure the connection will be secure and that the wires have not been compromised. You’ll also want to make sure that you are using the correct power and the right power converter (if necessary and if your manufacture allows it). By checking to ensure your connections are in good working order, you can help reduce the risk of fire at a major fault point in the RV.
*Since your RV likely doesn’t have quite as many electrical outlets as you’re used to at home, you may be tempted to use power strips. This can put more stress on the electrical system and can create a huge risk for an RV fire. Make sure that you read your owner’s manual and follow all requirements for power strips and extension cords.
Transport Safely
You’ve likely thought about how you’re going to transport your RV safely road-wise, but have you thought about how you’re going to transport your camping supplies safely? Make sure that you are properly storing things like firestarters, propane tanks, lighters and matches. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that you do not bring home wet charcoal as it is prone to combustion. When you’re transporting these items, you will also need to make sure that other items around them are not at risk for catching fire!
Consider Not Cooking
Perhaps one of the best things about an RV is the convenience of cooking inside while you’re camping, but cooking in your RV can pose even more risks for RV fires. Only cook when necessary and, when you do cook in the RV, follow RV safety tips like not having anything flammable around your cooking space and always limiting the amount of time your appliances are on. When possible, utilize outdoor cooking spaces, grills and even campfires. If you can avoid it, try not to cook volatile or very greasy foods on your appliances in the RV (but, we get it, it can be hard to beat fresh-cooked bacon on a chilly late summer morning after late-night camping).
Stay Up to Date on Maintenance
One of the most important things you can do when learning how to prevent RV fires is staying up to date on your RV maintenance. Your manufacturer will have a set of guidelines you’ll need to follow for maintenance. These guidelines are in place for a reason and are essential to preventing RV fires. While it can be tedious to stay up to date on maintenance, it can help you prevent fires.
Be Prepared for a Texas RV Fire
Even for people who know how to prevent RV fires and follow all the RV safety tips, preventing RV fires isn’t always possible. There are many factors that contribute to each Texas RV fire and sometimes, these factors are out of your control. By being prepared for fires, you can help minimize the damage and reduce the risk to people inside the RV. Make sure that you only use your RV to its recommended capacities, keep the recommended number of fire extinguishers and educate anyone in the RV about the importance of being able to get out in the event of a fire. Taking these steps might not prevent the fire from happening, but they can help you be prepared in case a fire does happen.
Fires are not always preventable. That’s why it’s essential to have insurance on your RV. Contact WN Insurance Services today to get your RV policy established.